Old Diaries !
semanis seorang muslimah

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Assalamualaikum. I'm just a person searching for the true meaning of Islam..Hate me I don't care :)



basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Shamine Hanis


Have you study for the upcoming exam?(If you are in the same school as me)
You guys need to study hard,
The exam will still be hard as always,
But I need to do a lot of revision and studying if I wanna score 8A's.
Please help me with my revision,
If you know more than me,
Help me with my revision,
Help me with my study,
Arghhhhhh!!!I can't take it why the exam need to be sooo hard?
Still like it or leave it.BTW help me with my study or you will pay for it.....
